Christophe Petit
Research fellowships
Research grants
Travel grants
Teaching grants
Research fellowships
2021 EPSRC ICT fellowship Post-quantum cryptography: a cryptanalysis approach.
2015-2017 Posdoctoral Research Fellow in Post-Quantum Cryptography, University of Oxford
2013-2014 FRS-FNRS Research Collaborator, Belgian National Science Fundation
2009-2013 FRS-FNRS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Belgian National Science Fundation
2005-2009 FRS-FNRS Research Fellow, Belgian National Science Fundation
Research grants
2021 EPSRC ICT fellowship Post-quantum cryptography: a cryptanalysis approach.
2019 GCHQ PhD studentship grant
2018 New Investigator Award grant from EPSRC: Isogeny-based Cryptography, from theory to practice.
2017 Two EPSRC undergraduate summer project grants.
2017 LMS undergraduate summer project bursary grant.
2016 GCHQ PhD studentship grant
2016 LMS undergraduate summer project bursary grant.
Travel grants
2005-2014 Multiple travel grants, Belgian National Science Fundation
Teaching grants
2012 Teaching grant of the International Mathematical Union to teach a cryptography and security course at Unikin (Kinshasa, DRCongo)